Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The NZRAB is required by law to confirm every five years that all architects are still competent. This section should also be read in conjunction with the NZRAB's CPD Points Allocation Policy.

One of the competency review requirements is that the architect being reviewed must "demonstrate that he or she has taken reasonable steps to maintain the currency of his or her architectural knowledge and skills since the last assessment" (Registered Architects Rules 2006, Rule 21(1)(b)).

To assist architects with meeting this requirement, a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Framework is available. Each registered architect is able to access an individual webpage through which they can record the CPD activities that they have done. When the architect is due for their Continuing Registration Competency Review (CRCR) assessment, they are able to provide evidence of the CPD completed in the past five years by downloading a report from their individual CPD webpage.

Each architect’s CPD dashboard also provides information on available CPD opportunities and how to register for in-person and online/virtual events.

CPD Points Target
To further assist architects, the CPD Framework has built in a points system for quantifying the relative value of different CPD activities. When an architect records a CPD activity, the activity is awarded points depending on an estimate of the CPD’s relative worth.

In this context, a CPD points target has been established for architects to aspire to.

See also more information on the CPD points target.

CPD for those Working towards Registration
Architectural graduates and others, who are working towards registration, can also use the NZRAB’s CPD Framework.

You are able to access this programme because you either hold a recognised tertiary qualification for registration as an architect (see Pathway 1), or you have had a NZRAB equivalency assessment as a first step towards registration (a QEAP Pathway 2 determination), or you are a participant in the NZIA's Pre-Registration Development Programme.

By participating in this programme, applicants can further extend their architectural knowledge, engage with the profession and industry, and develop the professional development habits required of a Registered Architect.

Applicants can use the CPD website to:
— discover CPD opportunities that are available, and
— keep a record of the CPD they have done, which can then be viewed on the applicant’s Pre-Registration Activities page.

Note that you will not receive nor accrue any CPD points because unlike Registered Architects, you don’t need them nor do you have a set CPD points target to meet. Registered Architects are awarded CPD points so they can quantify their professional development activities over the last five years when having their five-yearly continuing registration competency review assessment, and to evidence how they have maintained the currency of their architectural knowledge.

To access the programme, please download and complete the application form. For proof of identity purposes, applicants are now required to submit a copy of either their passport or driver's license.