The NZRAB issues Cautionary Notes or Advisory Notes as part of its role to set and maintain the standards for the profession. These Notes are shared learnings about the standard expected of a competent architect who is working within the Code of Minimum Stands of Ethical Conduct for Registered Architects (the Code of Ethics).
Typically these learnings are identified as part of a complaints process, particularly during a process of weighing up what a reasonably competent architect could have done in similar circumstances. They may also come about as a result of our continuing registration processes.
These shared lessons are intended to aid the profession in maintaining the standards in the current practising environment.
Below is a list of Notes that we have issued to date:
Cautionary Note 1: Unethical Behaviour
Cautionary Note 2: Ethical Marketing
Cautionary Note 3: Confidentiality Agreements
Cautionary Note 4: Terms of Appointment
Cautionary Note 5: Service Ethic
Cautionary Note 6: Providing Professional Services
Cautionary Note 7: Ethics and Honesty
(Note: Cautionary Note 8 has been withdrawn)
Cautionary Note 9: Avoiding Inducements
Cautionary Note 10: Checking certificates of title and providing services in accord with the agreement for services
Cautionary Note 11: Wrongfully taking employers' intellectual property
Cautionary Note 12: Designing to the client's budget
Cautionary Note No 13: Advising the client of a provider change and obtaining agreement from the client to that change
Cautionary Note 14: Undertaking pro bono work in a safe and professional way
Advisory Note 15: The Importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Advisory Note 16: Learnings from a complaint case—Clear agreements, defined roles, and transparent billing
Advisory Note 17: Learnings from a complaint case—Building work without consent and reporting failures