Proposed Increase in NZRAB fees3 February 2025
NZRAB is awaiting approval from the Minister for Building and Construction on proposed changes to Registered Architects Rules 2006 Schedule 2 Charges for Services. If approved, the fee increase would come into effect from 1 July 2025.
Consultation with architects and key stakeholders took place over 20 days from 7 October to 1 November 2024, through an online survey. Participants provided feedback about:
— increasing fees for initial registration;
— increasing fees for the Annual Certificate of Registration (ACR);
— increasing fees for other services to ensure costs are recovered;
— introducing new fees for services that we provide, but do not currently charge for.
403 participants completed the online survey. 60% of submitters were registered architects and 35% were architectural graduates. Comments were respectful, considered, and showed deep care for the reputation of the profession. The results of the consultation can be seen here and comments provided by respondents can be seen here.
The outcome of the proposed fee structure will be communicated to all of our stakeholders, including registered architects, in due course. Please keep an eye on the NZRAB website for the fees update.
SPAM Alert21 January 2025
SPAM Alert - This is not from NZRAB or Judith Taylor Acting Chief Executive
Please DO NOT action this email if you receive it it is NOT from NZRAB or Judith Taylor, Acting Chief Executive
2025 Continuing Registration Competency Review CPD tips4 December 2024
Applications for Continuing Registration Competency Reviews are NEARLY due
Applications for Continuing Registration Competency Reviews are due by Thursday 23 January 2025, at the latest.
Instructions are set out below on how to:
prepare and submit your application
add continuing professional development (CPD) activities to your record.
How to submit your application
To submit your application, complete the following steps.
Download and complete the CRCR assessment form from the continuing registration section of our website.
Download a copy of your full five-year Continuing Professional Development (CPD) record from the CPD portal and compile other relevant professional development activities.
Select up to ten pages of plans or drawings that support your application.
Save all documentation as one PDF document, which forms your CRCR application pack.
Email your application to registration@nzrab.org.nz by the close of business on Thursday 23 January 2025, at the latest.
How to add CPD activities to your record
The cut-off date for adding CPD activities for this review cycle is 31 December 2024.
To add CPD activities, use the quick links section on your dashboard in the CPD portal. As well as traditional workshops, courses, and practice support groups, you can include the following individual activities.
Reading professional journals
Site Safe Certification courses
Research and site visits
Movies and videos
Published work
Attending an event
Presenting at an event
Teaching and design critiques
Practice support group
In-office training group
Other online learning or self-directed study

Figure 1: Screenshot of the quick link screen to add individual CPD activities
You can add CPD activities after 31 December 2024 for the next review cycle
You can add CPD activities after 31 December 2024, but they will not form part of this review and will not be visible until your review is complete.
Email any questions about your CPD record to the CPD Administrator at cpd@nzrab.org.nz.
How to download a copy of your CPD record
To download your CPD learning history, go to your home page dashboard in the CPD portal and click on the link highlighted below.

Figure 2: Screenshot of download link on the home page dashboard
You’ll need to provide more information about PSG and IOT modules
If your CPD activity relates to the Practice Support Group (PSG) and In-Office Training Group (IOT) modules, include any meeting minutes or a short description of the learning topic. Include this information for no more than ten recent PSG and IOT meetings. Check with your group coordinator about providing meeting minutes as confidential information may be included in the record.
Email any questions about continuing registration to registration@nzrab.org.nz.
NZRAB Board Chair recruitment process18 November 2024
The Minister for Building and Construction has commenced a recruitment process for the appointment of a new NZRAB Board Chair. The role will be advertised for two weeks, closing on Sunday 8 December at midnight. Here is the link to the application page for the Board Chair's role. Please note that the full position description is linked at the bottom of the application page. If you have any follow-up questions, please reach out to board.appointments@mbie.govt.nz.
Temporary Board Chair and Deputy Chair appointed11 November 2024
The Hon Chris Penk, Minister for Building and Construction, has approved the temporary appointment of Tony Orgias as Acting Board Chair, and Judith Corbelletto-Thompson as Acting Deputy Chair. Please join us in congratulating Tony and Judith in their temporary appointments.
Board Chair, Gina Jones, steps down 30 October 2024
Board Chair, Gina Jones, has resigned with immediate effect. Gina joined the Board in 2017 and has chaired since 2018. She’s stepping down for medical reasons.
Gina has led the Board through significant change and improvements during her six-years as Chair. Under her leadership, the Board signed a mutual recognition agreement between New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, allowing architects to be more easily registered in each country. Similar arrangements are in place for architects from the United States and Singapore.
Board achievements under her leadership also include:
An informal disputes resolution service
Investigating Panels acting under the Board’s delegated authority for Complaints
A reduction in the number of Disciplinary Hearings
Efficiencies in recovering the costs of inquiries and disciplinary procedures
A focus on values, accessibility, and quality decision-making
Modernising processes
Working towards a fair, sustainable fee structure
Making submissions on architecture and building practice in New Zealand
The Board is grateful for Gina’s strategic and values-based leadership and her lifetime commitment to excellent architecture practice. We wish her all the very best for her recovery.
MBIE will commence recruitment for a new NZRAB Board Chair.
2025 Application Closing Dates18 October 2024
The application closing dates for 2025 are available on the Initial Registration pages of the NZRAB website. Please note these dates carefully.
NZRAB Fees Consultation and Survey 202410 October 2024
It is five years since NZRAB consulted stakeholders about our fees.
To ensure NZRAB remains financially sustainable, fees need to increase.
NZRAB is seeking your views here on how we should structure our fee increase.
You can read more about the fees consultation document here.
This fee consultation will close on 11 November 2024.
If you have questions, please email info@nzrab.org.nz before 31 October 2024.
We will publish any questions with responses on the news feed of the website from 4 November 2024.
NZRAB Newsletter Bulletin 2024 Issue no. 34 October 2024
We have published our latest newsletter, which includes:
— protection of title updates
— new trilateral recognition agreement
— two new advisory notes
— NZRAB Board’s submission to MBIE on ‘granny flats’
You can read it here.
Annual Report for 2022/202320 September 2024
The Rt Hon Chris Penk, Minister for Building and Construction, has tabled our annual report for 2022/2023 in Parliament, which was published on 1 July 2024. You can read the report here.
Making it easier to build granny flats (2024)16 September 2024
The NZRAB has provided the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and the Ministry for the Environment (MFE) with a submission in response to their document seeking feedback on options to make it easier to build small, self-contained and detached houses, commonly known as ‘granny flats’ on property with an existing home on it. You can read our submission here.
New Advisory Notes published13 September 2024
The New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) has released two new Advisory Notes to support architects in upholding professional standards. These notes provide valuable insights into the expectations of a competent architect working within the Code of Minimum Standards of Ethical Conduct for Registered Architects (Code of Ethics).
The new Advisory Notes are available through the following links:
Advisory Note 16: Learnings from a complaint case—Clear agreements, defined roles, and transparent billing
Advisory Note 17: Learnings from a complaint case—Building work without consent and reporting failures
Trilateral agreement signed between NCARB, AACA and NZRAB26 August 2024
New agreement opens doors to international practice for New Zealand architects
Registered architects from Australia, the USA and New Zealand will be able to work internationally more easily following the signing of a significant trilateral agreement.

Leaders of the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA), USA National Council of Architect Registration Boards (NCARB) and New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB) on Wednesday 21 August 2024 signed a new Mutual Recognition Agreement at an event in the Beehive, Wellington, hosted by the Hon Chris Penk, Minister of Building and Construction.
NZRAB Board Chair Gina Jones said the New Zealand Registered Architects Board is very supportive of establishing mutual recognition agreements, for the opportunity they give New Zealand architects to work internationally, and for those international architects wishing to live and practice in New Zealand.
“As a small nation, New Zealand is enriched by the flow of people and experience. It benefits New Zealanders to travel and work internationally, and New Zealand benefits by people from other countries bringing their knowledge, insights and learnings to our country” she said.
The new Mutual Recognition Agreement builds on an existing mutual recognition arrangement with the United States.
The current requirement to work 6,000-hours following initial registration as an architect will be removed, allowing a newly registered architect in either country to apply. Changes such as the removal of a requirement to hold one of the three national passports, expanded eligibility qualifications, and streamlined data laws are expected to boost the number of U.S. states that participate in this agreement compared to the previous one.
In Australia, New Zealand and most U.S. states there are no additional tests or examinations following successfully completing the MRA, however some U.S. states may have additional requirements.
Registered architects from the three countries can apply for fast-tracked cross-border recognition of their qualifications from 6 November 2024.
NCARB President Ken Van Tine said the new agreement would provide more opportunities, more efficiently, between the three nations.
“The new agreement marks a significant step forward in international practice. By streamlining the reciprocity process, we're empowering architects from different backgrounds to bring their expertise to a global market, while maintaining the high standards required for competent practice in order to protect the public.”
AACA Chief Executive Officer Kathlyn Loseby said the removal of the 6,000-hour work rule (approximately 3 years) reflected a commitment to supporting international mobility.
“Our mutual recognition programmes are helping local architects to go global,” she said. “We’ve already seen the success of our United Kingdom agreement, with more architects moving both ways across borders.”
“This new agreement will make sure our high standards are maintained but also reduce the paperwork burden for individuals.”
There are mutual recognition agreements in place between New Zealand and Australia, the United Kingdom, USA, Singapore, Japan, and Canada.

For all enquiries about the MRA, please contact NZRAB at info@nzrab.org.nz.
For more information about the Mutual Recognition Agreement between Australia, the United States of America and New Zealand please visit the AACA website at www.aaca.org.au or the NCARB at www.ncarb.org.
Annual Certificates of Registration12 August 2024
ACRs coming soon — make sure your postal address is up-to-date to ensure delivery
Thank you for your patience while our finance team are processing the many ACR invoice payments received. The NZRAB plans to issue the printed ACR certificates later this month. These certificates are being printed by an external provider and will be sent by post to the address listed in your database file. If your postal details are incorrect or need updating, please contact us at info@nzrab.org.nz.
2024 Application Closing Dates12 January 2024
The application closing dates for 2024 are available on the Initial Registration pages of the NZRAB website. Please note these dates carefully.
NZRAB Newsletter for June 202316 June 2023
We have published our latest newsletter, which includes:
— New Board appointments
— UK mutual recognition agreement
— Continuing professional development
— Pathway 1 (Round 2) deferral
You can read it here.
New Advisory Note published26 April 2023
The New Zealand Registered Architects Board / Te Poari Kaihoahoa Ngaio Rēhita o Aotearoa (NZRAB) has just published a new Advisory Note on the importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
The NZRAB issues Cautionary or Advisory Notes as part of its role to set and maintain the standards for the profession. These Notes represent shared learnings about the standard expected of a competent Architect, who is working within the Code of Minimum Standards of Ethical Conduct for Registered Architects (the Code of Ethics), and are intended to aid the profession in maintaining the standards in the current practising environment.
The new Advisory Note can be viewed via the following link Advisory Note 15: The Importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
NZRAB submission to MBIE on occupational regulation21 April 2023
The NZRAB has provided the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) with a submission in response to the consultation on occupational regulation in the building and construction sector. You can read our submission here.
Annual Report for 2021/202212 April 2023
The Hon Dr Megan Woods, Minister of Building and Construction, tabled our annual report for 2021/22 in Parliament on 31 March 2023 and it was published on 5 April 2023. You can read it on the document section of our website.
Unique agreement helps architects register and study between the UK, Australia and New Zealand16 March 2023
AACA, ARB and NZRAB sign trilateral recognition agreement
A new mutual recognition agreement (MRA) has been signed between the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia (AACA), the UK's Architects Registration Board (ARB), and the New Zealand Registered Architects Board (NZRAB).
The agreement means that from 25 May, eligible architects can benefit from a streamlined registration process that will reduce costs and examinations, making it easier for them to register to work in each country.
The agreement will open up the architects’ profession whilst upholding and maintaining the high standards and safety that help to protect the public. This is because of the alignment between the rigorous competencies required to register in each country, reinforced by the three regulators’ quality assurance processes.
To help improve access to the profession, this unique agreement will also recognise an individuals’ relevant qualifications along the path to becoming an architect. This means someone who has been educated up to and including Master’s level can complete their training in another partner country and benefit from the agreement.
Read the full article from the CE's of Australia, United Kingdon and New Zealand
Interested architects or students can find more information on their home regulator’s website:
• Australia – AACA: https://aaca.org.au/mutual-recognition/united-kingdom/
• New Zealand – NZRAB: https://nzrab.nz/c/Pathway-8
• UK – ARB: arb.org.uk/international-routes/
Review of the Registered Architects Act 20053 March 2023
Tēnā koutou
You have probably heard by now that Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have commenced a review of the Registered Architects Act 2005. The review of our Act is part of a broader programme of work looking at a series of changes to the wider building control system – known as the Building Systems Reforms – which includes reviewing the building consent system, improving consumer protection and changes to occupational regulation.
This is a once in a generation opportunity to have your voice heard on the way architects are regulated. It is 18 years since the Registered Architects Act was enacted in 2005, prior to that it was 42 years since the Architects Act of 1963 and a massive 110 years since the New Zealand Institute of Architects Act was enacted in 1913 to “make provision for the Registration of Architects”.
The Board is encouraging the profession to read the consultation material and make a submission on this important consultation – https://www.mbie.govt.nz/have-your-say/occupational-regulation-reforms-in-the-building-and-construction-sector/
… what is the Board's position …
For a number of years, the Board have lobbied successive governments for:
a single registration entity for architects, Licensed Building Practitioners (Design), architectural designers and architectural technicians that sets professional standards, makes registration assessments and decisions, administers public registers, and investigates complaints;
a single building sector disciplinary tribunal to conduct hearings into serious complaints;
Restricted Building Work (RBW) being extended to cover almost all buildings with this being delineated into permissible levels based on complexity, difficulty, and risk.
… what the Board will be doing …
The Board supports this review of the Act and will be making a submission. NZRAB is responsible for administering the current Act and we have over the course of our existence identified a number of areas where there are limitations or where changes could be positively made. We also have detailed experience operationalising and putting into practice the Act and the associated Registered Architects Rules 2006.
… the consultation document is in two parts …
Part One covers proposals that have already been developed and are now ready to test with the public. These proposals include proposed changes to the licensing and supervision areas for the entire Licensed Building Practitioners regime and codes of ethics for the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers and Electrical Workers regimes.
Part Two covers areas where MBIE would like early feedback, specifically how the LBP regime competencies and minimum standard for entry can be improved; and a review of the Registered Architects Act and preliminary issues. Feedback from targeted engagement sessions with representatives in the wider architecture profession revealed issues that MBIE considered warranted further exploration and testing with a broader group of stakeholders. Part Two focuses on issues that MBIE would like to seek feedback and evidence on, to inform their understanding of the issues. This is work that is in early stages of the policy development process and is not yet ready to progress to options or proposals for change.
… when making your submission …
It is important to consider that occupational regulation aims to protect the public from harm by ensuring services are performed with reasonable care and skill. Where there is a major risk that substandard work will lead to disastrous failures, harm to the public and destroy consumers’ trust and confidence in the professions, the Government will consider regulation.
The pace of change within our industry since 2005 has been astronomical – with that change we have seen new materials, new technology, increased regulations, the impact of climate change, all leading to an increase in specialisation and design complexity. It is important to consider in your submission how we may be working in 2050 when we can reasonably expect the next review of our Act.
… how to make submission …
Questions are asked throughout the document and there is a collated list at the end. You can provide feedback only on the sections or questions that you consider relevant – for example, if you are a design professional interested in the Registered Architects review and Licensed Building Practitioners competencies, you could choose to only respond to the questions in those sections. If commenting on LBPs and if your comment is specific to the LBP Design class, ensure you note this and if relevant the Area of Practice.
You are strongly encouraged to include evidence to support your views, for example references to specific projects, independent research, facts and figures, or relevant examples.
If you do not wish to make a submission directly, you are welcome to share your views with us, but please do so prior to 19 March 2023 so we can consider inclusion with our submission at info@nzrab.org.
… submissions direct to MBIE close …
Submissions close at 5pm on Thursday, 6 April 2023.
… next steps after April 2023 …
MBIE have signalled that following consideration of the submissions, they will undertake further policy work and develop options for consultation next year, if appropriate. All feedback received will inform the next steps and any proposals for change.
Ngā mihi maioha
Gina Jones - Chair, New Zealand Registered Architects Board
Link to the consultation material: https://www.mbie.govt.nz/have-your-say/occupational-regulation-reforms-in-the-building-and-construction-sector/
Fourth School of Architecture in New Zealand gains accreditation16 November 2022
At its meeting on 8 November 2022, the New Zealand Registered Architects Board approved the accreditation of Auckland University of Technology’s School of Future Environments, Huri te Ao Hoahoanga, Master of Architecture (Professional) programme. The accreditation is for an initial period of three years through until December 2025.
The qualification will be added to the List of Accredited Architecture Qualifications maintained by the Architects Accreditation Council of Australia from whom the Board licenses an agreement to accredit the MArch(Prof) programmes in New Zealand.
Having an accredited qualification is a requirement for the primary pathway to registration as an architect in New Zealand.
Auckland University of Technology’s School of Future Environments, Huri te Ao Hoahoanga, becomes the fourth school of architecture in New Zealand to gain accreditation. AUT joins the University of Auckland, Unitec Institute of Technology, and Victoria University of Wellington as the country’s four accredited architecture schools.
The Board wishes to congratulate the school on their achievement and looks forward to hearing about their progress over the coming years.
Paul Jackman4 July 2022
With great sadness the New Zealand Registered Architects Board has been informed of the death of Paul Jackman our former Chief Executive. Paul passed away in Wellington on Sunday 3 July.
Our thoughts and condolences are with the Jackman family.
Paul was Chief Executive of the New Zealand Registered Architects Board from August 2007 until July 2020, serving under three Chair’s during that time – Ron Pynenburg, Warwick Bell and most recently Gina Jones. As NZRAB Chief Executive, Paul worked with the Board, our Assessors and many in the profession.
Paul had a very strong background in communications and external relations holding various roles in the Department of Building and Housing, NZQA, the Reserve Bank, Federated Famers, and in Parliament as Senior Press Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition. Those communication skills, his superb relationship management background, and political experience stood NZRAB in very good stead.
Gina Jones paid tribute, "Paul was a very professional, loyal, and diligent CEO who led many initiatives that assisted the profession and made NZRAB a better organisation. When he retired in 2020 he left the staff and the Board very saddened by his departure but heartened that he would have more time to indulge in his passions - sailing and an enduring interest in politics."
There will be a private family cremation, with a commemoration gathering at a later date. We will advise those commemoration plans when they are known. In the meantime, the Board has sent flowers and will make a donation to the Mary Potter Hospice in Paul’s memory.
Potential candidates sought - Member of the New Zealand Registered Architects Board7 June 2022
On behalf of the Minister for Building and Construction, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is currently seeking candidates who wish to be considered for appointment as a Member of the New Zealand Registered Architects Board.
Further information can be found at: https://www.mbie.govt.nz/position-descriptions/boards/new-zealand-registered-architects-board-nzrab-member
Recognition agreement between ARB, AACA and NZRAB7 March 2022
The UK, Australia and New Zealand are global leaders in architecture and our architects collaborate on a substantial scale.
Our registers of architects exist so that anyone using the services of an architect can be confident that they are suitably qualified and are fit to practise. We want this registration process to be as simple as possible, while still ensuring new registrants have what is necessary for safe and effective practice. We have started developing a mutual recognition agreement so that architects with eligible qualifications could benefit from a more straightforward process to register across the three countries.
This mutual agreement could be transformational in helping architects to share their skills, knowledge and innovative insights across the globe, whilst protecting the public by supporting and upholding professional standards in each country.
Discussions are at an advanced stage but changes to UK legislation are needed before ARB is able to enter into an agreement. We are pleased that this legislation is progressing and we hope it is implemented quickly.
We will provide further updates as these discussions develop.
Further information is available here.